Business And Risk

It’s about providing a service that has, until now, been reserved for the big corporates in town.

Traditionally the main providers of advice around Risk Identification, Assessment and Management have been the four major international consulting firms. This lead to these services having a premium cost that was simply not viable for organisations below about 200 staff.

The world is going through a financial crisis, increased regulation, increased reliance on technology as well as an overall increase in the level of privacy and security expectations of the public. This has resulted in an increase in the need for business owners and especially directors of companies to consider risk in a more systematic way.

At a high level one can say that where there is change there is risk. Most businesses are changing all the time and if not, the environment around them is which in itself can create additional risk.

Going through the process of formal risk assessments provides a lot more than simply an assessment on risk. It often provides real quantifiable value to the business.

Paying special attention to risk

All organisations are subject to risk continuously, however there are times when special attention to risk would be highly advisable, these include:

  • Starting a new business
  • Diversifying into new products/services
  • Taking on new business partners
  • Preparing to sell the business
  • Looking at having the business valued
  • Low level of formalised documentation
  • New government/ASIC regulations
  • Expanding the business
  • Consolidating the business
  • Cutting back on staff

Our Business & Risk Consulting division can be broken down as follows:
